


What Factors Contribute to Hair Loss and How to Overcome It

Hair loss is a common concern for many individuals, particularly as they age. Understanding the multifaceted reasons behind this phenomenon can provide valuable insights into prevention and potential treatments.

Unlocking the Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss, and Strategies for Regrowth | Ep. 5 | Dr. Heywood

Contributing Factors to Hair Loss

Several factors contribute to hair loss, with autoimmune issues, nutrient deficiencies, and hormone imbalances being key players. For men, androgenic or steroid-driven problems, often associated with testosterone, can significantly impact hair health. Particularly, the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) tends to affect genetically susceptible hair follicles, leading to a specific pattern of hair loss. Hormonal imbalances, including increased testosterone levels, play a crucial role in this process.

Young men experimenting with recreational or performance drugs, and even over-the-counter testosterone boosters, may potentially experience hair loss as a consequence of these hormonal imbalances.

Genetics and Hair Loss

Genetics also plays a pivotal role in hair loss. Examining family history on both the maternal and paternal sides can offer insights into genetic predisposition. A discernible pattern of baldness across generations strongly suggests a genetic link to hair loss. This underscores the significant influence of genetics on the likelihood of experiencing hair loss.

Even in the absence of an apparent family history of hair loss, understanding the hormone-driven nature of alopecia empowers individuals to explore potential solutions and treatments.

Medical Examination for Hair Loss

When considering potential hair loss, medical examinations should focus on key markers and hormone levels. Testosterone and DHT are crucial factors, and investigating markers like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, along with assessing thyroid levels, is essential.

Environmental Factors and Hairstyles

Beyond hormones, environmental factors also play a significant role in hair loss. Environmental conditions, such as exposure to harsh chemicals, pollutants, and UV radiation, can contribute to hair-related issues, and certain hairstyles can exacerbate the problem. For women, tight braiding can lead to a specific form of hair loss known as traction alopecia. 

Nutrient Deficiencies and Hair Loss

Nutrient deficiencies, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin D, can impact hair loss by disrupting normal hair growth cycles and compromising the health of hair follicles. At Liquivida®, our micronutrient deficiency testing can identify lacking nutrients and offer the opportunity to supplement deficiencies, effectively supporting and enhancing hair growth.

“One incident that deeply resonated with me involved a close family member. At the age of 85, she woke up to discover that she had lost all her hair. Despite taking oral biotin, the issue persisted due to insufficient absorption. I brought her to Liquivida® for an IV Biotin treatment. Six months later, her hair not only regrew but also transformed into a mini afro.-Dr. Kendrick Heywood, Medical Director at Liquivida®

Introducing SmartGraft for Hair Restoration

In our unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch treatments for optimal patient outcomes, Liquivida® proudly introduces a groundbreaking technology known as SmartGraft, specifically designed to revolutionize the field of hair transplants. 

Understanding SmartGraft

SmartGraft is a cutting-edge hair restoration technology that has transformed the lives of countless individuals, both men and women, effectively helping them grow their own natural hair. Operating on the principle of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), a scarless surgical technique, SmartGraft, as the latest technology in hair transplants, leaves minimal to no scarring. The procedure involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor site on the scalp, eliminating the need to cut out an entire strip and then dissect individual follicles. The objective is to harvest grafts from specific areas on the back of the scalp, ensuring a more natural and scar-free outcome.

SmartGraft sets itself apart from traditional practices involving knives or scalpels. This cutting-edge technology streamlines the extraction process, offering a cleaner and more efficient method. It represents a stark departure from the outdated Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method, which involved cutting a strip of scalp from the back, leaving visible scars, and employing less sophisticated treatment approaches.

Dr. Kendrick Heywood, Medical Director at Liquivida®, is excited to be part of rolling out this new innovative treatment at Liquivida® because he, too, suffered from hair loss. “By doing this treatment myself, several years ago, I gained a lot more confidence, not just in the medical field but in my personal life, as well.”  

Dr. Heywood goes on to add that Liquivida® elevates the SmartGraft experience by combining the cutting-edge treatment with Exosome therapy, soaking the hair follicles in exosomes prior to placement, which helps to aid in the recovery and healing process, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

Post-Op Care and Supplements for Hair Transplant

Embarking on the journey to hair restoration, particularly through a hair transplant, involves not just the surgical procedure itself but also meticulous post-operative care. Liquivida®, at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies like SmartGraft, has introduced a comprehensive regimen encompassing specific shampoos, a variety of supplements, and the integration of stem cell-derived products to stimulate hair growth in transplanted follicles. 

This holistic approach has shown exponential improvements in results, particularly when paired with advanced treatments like PRP, exosomes, and extracellular vesicles.

This innovative combination not only accelerates the healing process but also enhances the overall success of the hair transplant.

Steps to Take for Hair Loss Transplant

  • Your journey starts with a comprehensive consultation and assessment where we gather your personal history, evaluate your scalp’s current condition, and consider factors like age and the progression of hair loss, using specialized scales for accurate categorization.
  • Moving into the diagnostic phase, we conduct tests like blood labs to gather essential information. Based on the findings, we identify the most suitable treatment options that align with your unique needs.
  • Your journey offers various treatment options, starting with the least invasive for comfort and minimal disruption. We progress to more advanced procedures based on your individual needs.
  • The sequential treatment plan unfolds step by step, beginning with nutrient supplementation, progressing to Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) with microneedling, and exploring stem cell-derived products. For more advanced cases, we consider innovative procedures like SmartGraft.
  • Recognizing that everyone’s journey is unique, we tailor your treatment plan based on your distinctive needs and preferences. We start with the least invasive options, gradually exploring more advanced procedures if necessary.

Understanding that some cases may require immediate attention, we’re here to support you through every step. Our licensed medical professionals at Liquivida® are dedicated to providing post-transplant care support, including nutrient supplementation and red light therapy, to optimize results.

By following this systematic approach, you’ll receive individualized care tailored to your unique hair loss conditions, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Book your consultation today to regain your hair health, overcome hair loss, and boost your confidence.

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